5 Nutrition Miracles Worth Skipping

Posted On Apr 4, 2017 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

5 Nutrition Miracles Worth Skipping

From Pinterest to Facebook to so-called expert health bloggers and Amazon reviews, you are made to believe your kitchen cupboard has every miracle cure for any and all ailments. But beware! Most of these food substances are not supported by solid science and the placebo effect can be very powerful. Don't be persuaded by a few great sounding testimonials.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

    Touted as a cure-all for burning fat to lowering blood sugar, apple cider vinegar concoctions sound fabulous, they're all-natural, and inexpensive. But all of the claims don't hold much merit. The Apple Cider Vinegar craze goes in cycles and right now it's made a resurgence. The good news: Apple cider vinegar drinks won't hurt you or have side effects so go ahead and give them a try. If they work, it's probably the placebo effect.

  2. Coconut Oil

    Again, the claims are endless for the benefits of coconut oil for everything from preventing Alzheimer's Disease to anti-aging. Claims are unsupported and based on single studies, proving no direct correlation. What is coconut oil great for? High heat grilling or roasting, skin moisturizer, and diaper rash ointment. No need to throw out the coconut oil, but it has its limitations.

  3. Bone Broth

    Boosts the immune system, helps with digestion, and is good for bone health. That's what the headlines read anyway. But not so fast. While bone broth or stock is all the rage, especially among Paleo enthusiasts, it's not the magical potion some people are willing to pay $6 a cup for. Just like coconut oil, there aren't any side effects from drinking it on a regular basis just don't rely on it to improve every aspect of health or bodily function as the headlines claim.

  4. Tart Cherry Juice for Sleep

    Tart cherry juice is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and athletes use it as an effective post-workout drink, but it's role in promoting sleep was news to me. The claim is based on there being melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep and wake cycles, in tart cherry juice. However, studies don't show a significant improvement in sleep patterns when tart cherry juice is consumed daily.

  5. Any "fat-burning" or "metabolism-boosting" foods

    There isn't a single food, such as pineapple or cucumber (or apple cider vinegar!), that will actually help your body tap into its stored fat and burn it for energy. This only happens by burning more calories than you take in by reducing food intake and increasing exercise.

Be wary and tread cautiously through product testimonials, social media advertisements and blogs by self-proclaimed health and medical professionals. Just because there's an MD or PhD after someone's name doesn't make their products or claims legit.

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