5 Steps to Lose Your Extra Weight

Posted On Jun 24, 2015 By Joel Harper

5 Steps to Lose Your Extra Weight

I hear it all the time, “I want to take off these extra 5, 10, 15 pounds.” You name it, I have heard it. Take these 5 steps to eliminate that extra weight now and forever:

  1. Live in reality. How did this weight get there? Honestly answer this question. Are you a snacker? Do you eat whatever you want whenever you want? Do you sabotage your workouts by saying “I had a great workout, now I can dive right in?” You are responsible for what goes in and out of your mouth. Once you know why, you can break the pattern.
  2. Give me four immediate changes you can make today and stick to that will directly change your calories consumed and your calories burned. For example: Make your dinner 50% vegetables or do cardio for ten minutes every morning before you have breakfast.
  3. On a scale from 1-10, how motivated are you to make the above four changes to your lifestyle? 1 means you don't have a chance, while 10 means you are going to accomplish it without a doubt. If your answer is anything but a 10, get real with yourself and bridge the gap.
  4. Go to your closet and find something that does not look good until you take off this weight. Try it on every single day first thing in the morning as a fresh reminder of the work you are committed to doing.
  5. Repeat this affirmation daily and post in four prominent places: “I lose weight easily and swiftly.” Keeping yourself in the right mindset can do wonders towards keeping your motivation to lose your extra weight.

Do you have any tactics you use to try and shed the extra pounds? Share them with us in the comments below.