4 Tips for Staying Fit into Fall

Posted On Oct 5, 2015 By BowFlex Insider Team

4 Tips for Staying Fit into Fall

By Guest Blogger Brittany Bendall

Summer is an easy time to stay fit. With warm weather and a plethora of outdoor activities at our beck and call, the world is our playground - and our waistlines can really see the results.

But with fall around the corner comes cooler temperatures, stricter schedules and less time to focus on a healthy and active lifestyle. That doesn't have to mean that all our hard work at staying fit this summer needs to go out the window. Here are my four favorite tips for staying fit into the fall:

  1. Milk those last few long days.

    Once daylight-saving time ends, we buckle down for a long winter of short days and lazy nights. In the meantime, make the most of the longer days by getting up early to greet the sun with some sun salutations or heading out for a post-work/pre-dinner run. Once those short days start, you'll be glad you savored every minute of sunshine!

  2. Sign up for a race.

    Fall is a great time to train for a race of some sort, and sticking to a training plan will help you stay on track with your fitness goals. You can select something as lofty as a marathon or as fun as a 5k charity walk; just pick something you can stick with through the season. And don't limit yourself to just walking or running, there are plenty of opportunities for cycling, triathlons, duathlons and even some paddle sports.

  3. Join the team.

    Remember in high school when fall meant fall sports? Almost everyone was on some kind of team, heading to practice every day after school. Why not recreate the camaraderie, sportsmanship and competition by joining an adult league? There are plenty of adult soccer, football and hockey leagues around, and, if you don't find the sport you are looking for, start your own league! Bonus - you'll meet some great friends with similar interests!

  4. Plan for success.

    We all know those colder temperatures are just around the corner, so get ready to combat them by finding a workout that you can do indoors now! If you find something you love, you'll be more likely to stick with it. So get searching for something you can hibernate with until spring.

Blogger Bio:

Brittany Bendall is a healthy living blogger and licensed Pilates, barre, Zumba and dance instructor. She is dedicated to inspiring others to find balance in their lives by incorporating fitness, healthy foods and fun into their routines. When she is not blogging at My Own Balance, she is teaching classes on her online site, Balance Barre Fitness. For more information, follow her on Facebook.