Articles Found (60)

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  • Fit Tip Thursday: Plyometrics to Burn Fat

    Posted On Dec 3, 2014 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: Plyometrics to Burn Fat

    Whether you are trying lose weight, improve sports performance or simply make your activities of daily living easier, plyometrics are for you. Plyometrics are exercises in which the muscles are stretched and contracted quickly – the motion found in jumping Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: How to do a Perfect Bench Press

    Posted On Apr 22, 2015 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: How to do a Perfect Bench Press

    Walk into any gym on the first day of the week and you will inevitably have a difficult time getting on a weight bench. So much so, that Mondays are often referred to as "Bench Press Day" by fitness professionals, Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: The Best Back Stretches

    Posted On Mar 25, 2015 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: The Best Back Stretches

    In a previous "Fit Tip Thursday" video, "How to Keep Your Back Healthy," I outlined a few simple exercises to help strengthen your lower back. Many of us will experience back pain at some point in our lives, and our Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: Three Exercises to Get You Energized

    Posted On Apr 29, 2015 By Tom Holland

    Three Exercises to Get Your Energized

    When people are asked why they do not exercise regularly, they often cite lack of energy as one of the primary reasons. They contend that they are simply too tired to do so later in the day, due to the Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: Three Exercises to Tone Your Hips

    Posted On Feb 25, 2015 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: Three Exercises to Tone Your Hips

    When it comes to targeting specific body parts during exercise, the hips are one of the top problem areas for women. One of the primary reasons is that women genetically tend to store fat in this area, while men tend Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: Get Your Arms Toned Up

    Posted On Aug 12, 2015 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: Get Your Arms Toned Up

    Sculpting great-looking arms is actually much easier than most people think. It entails working three primary muscle groups: The shoulders, biceps (front of the arms) and triceps (back of the arms). Performing exercises for each area a few times per Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: The Three-Minute Ultimate Core Workout

    Posted On Jun 24, 2015 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: The Three-Minute Ultimate Core Workout

    I have a simple rule when it comes to working the abs: Most people should spend no more than ten percent of their total workout time performing abdominal exercises. That's it. This means roughly six minutes spent sculpting the six-pack Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: Best Exercises For Your Body

    Posted On Oct 8, 2014 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: Best Exercises for Your Body

    While all exercise is beneficial, some workouts are indeed “better” from a purely physiological standpoint. For example, multi-joint exercises, like squats and push-ups, work multiple muscle groups at the same time, whereas a bicep curl targets only the biceps muscle. Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: The Power of Eccentric Training

    Posted On Jan 21, 2015 By Tom Holland

    The Power of Eccentric Training

    My first "real" fitness job was, yes, working at a Nautilus facility almost three decades ago. A teenager at the time, I was in charge of taking people through the machine strength circuit and was taught Nautilus founder, Arthur Jones's Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: 3 Best Ab Exercises

    Posted On Oct 1, 2014 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: 3 Best Ab Exercises

    The vast majority of people perform their ab exercises at the end of a workout, with little to no thought involved in what they are doing. They go to the mat and simply start cranking out variations of crunches, without Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: How to Warm Up for Your Workout

    Posted On Sep 16, 2015 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: How to Warm Up for Your Workout

    A well-rounded workout consists of three basic parts: The warm-up, the workout itself, and the cool down. The people who see the greatest results, and are injured the least, tend to implement all three components when they exercise. But, like Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: 3 Common Exercise Mistakes

    Posted On Oct 22, 2014 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: 3 Common Exercise Mistakes

    It's not enough to simply exercise. We also have to do it correctly if we want to see real results. Unfortunately, the vast majority of us aren't working out optimally, especially when it comes to strength training. There is a Read more