Articles Found (25)

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  • Stretching

    Posted On Oct 17, 2013 By Chad Martin


    There are many myths and misconceptions about stretching. Most weekend warriors don't realize the benefits of stretching or the role it plays in being more than just a warm-up activity. Think of your muscles like rubber bands. When the rubber Read more

  • The Importance of Stretching

    Posted On Feb 21, 2017 By BowFlex Insider Team

    The Importance of Stretching

    Stretching is sometimes the middle child of exercise — often overlooked. Although it may seem like an afterthought to working out, stretching is essential to living a healthy life. So why should stretching be a staple in your fitness routine? Read more

  • Stretches for Healthy Shoulders

    Posted On May 18, 2016 By Tom Holland

    Stretches for Healthy Shoulders

    The shoulders are the most mobile joints in your body, making them extremely susceptible to injury. The added freedom of movement makes them less stable and more prone to dysfunction. The two primary ways to keep your shoulders healthy is Read more

  • The Five-Minute Full Body Stretch

    Posted On Dec 21, 2016 By Tom Holland

    The Five Minute Full Body Stretch

    There is still a great deal of confusion when it comes to stretching: What to do, when to do it, how much to do, and if it really benefits us at all. Well, flexibility is one of the five components Read more

  • 3 of the Best Unique Post-Cardio Stretches

    Posted On Jul 6, 2015 By Joel Harper

    3 of the best unique post cardio stretches

    Stretching after, and sometimes during, a cardio workout helps to increase your muscles range of motion/flexibility, prevent injury, and it helps assist with the cool down of your workout. Try these 3 stretches after your next session and you will Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: The Best Time to Stretch

    Posted On May 27, 2015 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: The Best Time to Stretch

    "To stretch, or not to stretch? That is the question…" Stretching remains one of the most hotly debated topics in fitness: How to do it, when to do it, and if it is even worthwhile at all. Much of the Read more

  • The One Minute Desk Stretch Routine

    Posted On Jan 24, 2018 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: The One Minute Desk Stretch Routine

    Flexibility, one of the five components of fitness, is oftentimes overlooked at the expense of the other four: cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength and body composition. It is not any less important; flexibility is essential to our overall health Read more

  • The Two-Minute Back Stretch Routine

    Posted On Jan 13, 2016 By Tom Holland

    The Two-Minute Back Stretch Routine

    The statistics are depressing but true: Over 80 percent of people will experience some kind of back pain during their lives. The potential causes of this discomfort can include an acute injury, muscle weakness and muscle tightness. So, to help Read more

  • 3 Easy and Effective Hamstring Stretches

    Posted On Dec 9, 2015 By Tom Holland

    3 Easy and Effective Hamstring Stretches

    The hamstrings are three long muscles found on the back of the thigh. They can become shortened, or "tight," through numerous forms of exercise including walking and running. Strangely enough, they can also become tighter due to inactivity, especially sitting Read more

  • The Three-Minute Hips and Legs Stretching Routine

    Posted On Jun 8, 2016 By Tom Holland

    The Three-Minute Hips and Legs Stretching Routine

    One of the keys to working out is having a plan to follow, and the same holds true when it comes to working on our flexibility. Stretching is oftentimes done as an afterthought, randomly pulling and pushing on different muscle Read more

  • Five Stretches to get You Ready for the Day

    Posted On Oct 28, 2015 By Tom Holland

    Five Stretches to get You Ready for the Day

    One of the five major components of fitness is flexibility. Our joints need to move through their full, natural range of motion for our bodies to perform optimally. Interestingly enough, excessive repetitive movement as well as excessive inactivity and sitting Read more

  • An Easy Lower Back Stretch for a Healthy Back

    Posted On Mar 23, 2016 By Tom Holland

    An Easy Lower Back Stretch for a Healthy Back

    Tight, weak backs - That's what so many people suffer from thanks to the countless hours spent sitting every day. Sitting in front of the computer, in front of the television, in the car. We were meant to move, not Read more