Articles Found (60)

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  • Fit Tip Thursday: Post-workout Nutrition

    Posted On Dec 10, 2014 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: Post-workout Nutrition

    When it comes to getting in shape and being the healthiest we can be, exercise is only one part of the puzzle. While most people know that nutrition plays a huge role as well, many don't realize that it's not Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: The Standing Ab Workout

    Posted On Dec 17, 2014 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: The Standing Ab Workout

    When we think of abdominal exercises, lying with our backs on a mat and performing countless variations of crunches is generally the first thing that comes to mind. While these types of movements will always have a place in our Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: Seated Ab Workouts

    Posted On Oct 29, 2014 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: Seated Ab Workout

    The statistics are nothing short of staggering. The average American spends roughly 13 hours a day sitting at home and work… 13 HOURS! That includes sitting while at work and sitting in front of the TV. When you add in Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: Keeping Your Workouts Fresh

    Posted On Jan 7, 2015 By Tom Holland

    Keep Workouts Fresh

    It's the ultimate dilemma: One of the primary factors in achieving our fitness goals is consistency, yet the vast majority of people find it extremely difficult to stick with their programs for even a short amount of time. Roughly 60 Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: The Four-Minute Dumbbell Workout

    Posted On Jul 8, 2015 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: The Four-Minute Dumbbell Workout

    I absolutely love dumbbells because they are so versatile. They work for all fitness levels, you can work your entire body with them, and there are an infinite number of exercises that you can do with them. Your only true Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: Four Exercises to Get You Ready for Summer

    Posted On May 20, 2015 By Tom Holland

    4 Exercises to Get You Ready for Summer

    In last week's Fit Tip Thursday I gave you a quick five-minute routine to help shape up and tone up for summer. To help ensure you look your absolute best in that bathing suit, here are four additional exercises to Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: Pilates Ab and Back Workout

    Posted On Nov 8, 2017 By BowFlex Insider Team

    Fit Tip Thursday: Pilates Ab and Back Workout

    Tired of the same old ab workouts? Ready for a core challenge that will develop strength, flexibility and good posture with low risk of injury? Check out this 5-step Pilates-inspired ab and back workout from BowFlex Fitness Advisor Amy Dixon! Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: A Quick Workout For Busy Days

    Posted On May 6, 2015 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: A Quick Workout For Busy Days

    The age-old concept of the sixty-minute workout is dying a slow death, and for good reason. There is nothing inherently "magical" in an exercise science sense about working out for an hour. It's the quality of the workout and the Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: 5 Best Butt Exercises

    Posted On Oct 15, 2014 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: 5 Best Butt Exercises

    When it comes to exercise, we often make things much more complicated than they need to be. Squat. Lunge. Step. Jump. These are a few of the simple components found in the most effective lower-body exercises. In fact, you can Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: The Two-Minute Partner Burpee Challenge

    Posted On Jun 10, 2015 By Tom Holland

    The Two-Minute Partner Burpees Challenge

    The burpee: It's the "Will Ferrell of Bodyweight Exercises." You either love it or hate it - There is no in-between. One thing that cannot be denied though, is that burpees are downright hard, and when it comes to exercise, Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: The Three-Minute Strong Shoulder Workout

    Posted On Aug 5, 2015 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: The Three-Minute Strong Shoulder Workout

    The shoulder is our most mobile joint, and therefore the most susceptible to injury. The stronger the muscles of the shoulder are though, the less likely we are to have problems and associated pain. Activities of daily living including lifting Read more

  • Fit Tip Thursday: How to do the Perfect Chest Fly

    Posted On Sep 2, 2015 By Tom Holland

    Fit Tip Thursday: How to do the Perfect Chest Fly

    Of the several exercises that I consistently see people performing incorrectly at the gym, the chest fly is definitely one of them - whether it be on a machine, with cables or dumbbells. Whenever you fail to do an exercise Read more