Easy Exercises You can do with a Partner at Home

Posted On Feb 4, 2016 By Tom Holland

Easy Exercises You can do with a Partner at Home

The only thing better than working out in the privacy of your own home? Working out at home with a partner. Whether it's a friend, your spouse, or your child, exercising with someone else makes it significantly more enjoyable.

Also, you are more likely to work out longer and harder when you exercise with someone else, thanks to the motivation and/or friendly competition. All you need is a willing partner and a few simple exercises that you can both do at the same time.

So grab a partner and help each other get stronger and healthier - Here are a few exercises to get you started:

The five partner exercises shown in the video are:

  1. Partner squats - Just like a traditional squat, but when you come up you "clap" a hand with your partner. Alternate hands as you are going through the reps.
  2. Standing ab rotations - Stand back-to-back and have one person pick up an object like a dumbbell or a medicine ball. Rotate your torso to pass the object to the other person, then rotate the other way to have your partner pass it back.
  3. Partner planks - Get into plank position facing each other and hold each other's right hand for an agreed upon amount of time. Switch hands and hold for the same amount of time.
  4. Partner push-ups - Get into push-up position facing each other and as you come up from your push-up "clap" a hand with your partner. Alternate hands as you are going through the reps.
  5. Partner crunches - Lay in a crunch position feet-to-feet with your partner. Bring your upper body up to meet your partner and either "high-five" them at the top, or pass a small object back-and-forth to each other.

These exercises can be done by time or by repetitions, based on what you and your workout buddy agree upon. The key is to do them together and be encouraging throughout.

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