Fit Tip Thursday: The Four-Minute Dumbbell Workout

Posted On Jul 9, 2015 By Tom Holland

Fit Tip Thursday: The Four-Minute Dumbbell Workout

I absolutely love dumbbells because they are so versatile. They work for all fitness levels, you can work your entire body with them, and there are an infinite number of exercises that you can do with them. Your only true limitation when it comes to dumbbells is your imagination.

And, like so many other aspects of fitness, you don't have to spend an enormous amount of time working out with dumbbells to reap the rewards. It's quality over quantity and consistency that truly matters.

Here is a powerful four-minute workout with dumbbells to add to you repertoire:

I used to say that all you needed to start building your home gym was a few sets of dumbbells and a bench or stability ball. Now, thanks to the incredibly versatile and space-saving BowFlex SelectTech Dumbbells, I have changed that recommendation to "all you need is one set of dumbbells." Instead of having multiple sets of dumbbells taking up valuable space in my home gym, I now have room for even more equipment.

Thanks to the freedom of movement that they afford, dumbbells can also be utilized to build valuable functional strength. This is the kind of strength that helps to keep us injury-free and adds to the overall quality of our daily lives. We move better, play better and feel better when we strengthen our bodies with dumbbells.

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