
flat abs

The ABCs of Flat Abs

Posted On Jun 23, 2014 By Tom Holland

A – Alcohol: If you want flat abs, truly flat abs, you need to keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum. Alcoholic drinks are loaded with calories, and the liver will burn these calories first instead of burning fat. And,... Read More
burning calories

More Than Calories Burned

Posted On May 23, 2014 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

Calories in versus calories out. Burn more than you take in. No matter how you break it down, this is the recipe for weight loss. Exercising with the sole focus of burning calories, without regard to its other benefits, can... Read More
Boston Marathon runner

From Bad Knees To Running the Boston Marathon

Posted On May 15, 2014 By Tom Holland

I started working with Michael just after he turned fifty. Like many men his age, he had decided he wasn't where he wanted to be physically and was ready to make a change. His goals were simple and common: to... Read More
7 tips to making exercise a healthy habit

7 Tips for Making Exercise a Healthy Habit

Posted On Mar 24, 2014 By Joe Vennare

Exercise makes us happy and healthy. It can brighten our day and lengthen our life. It's no secret. It's science. Still, most Americans aren't physically active. In fact, the majority is overweight or obese. If working out works, why doesn't... Read More
BowFlex TreadClimber weight loss story

A Weight Loss Story That Will Inspire You!

Posted On Oct 31, 2013 By BowFlex Insider Team

Meet Colleen. At 55, Colleen Whiteaker had been overweight her entire life. She suffered from high blood pressure and, after spending a decade trying to lose the extra weight, she'd almost given up. Her children approached her and encouraged her... Read More