
Fit Tip Thursday: How to Keep Your Back Healthy

Fit Tip Thursday: How to Keep Your Back Healthy

Posted On Feb 19, 2015 By Tom Holland

The statistics are straightforward: Over eighty percent of people will experience low-back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain is the number one cause of job-related disability and one of the most common health complaints in the United... Read More
Heart Happy

Heart Happy

Posted On Feb 9, 2015 By Rachel Weingarten

When most people think of February, they think of pink hearts, chocolate and Valentine's Day, but February is also American Heart Month. It's sobering to realize that heart disease, also called the "silent killer," since it is generally symptomless, is... Read More
Heart Health: The New Skinny on Fats & Cholesterol

Heart Health: The New Skinny on Fats and Cholesterol

Posted On Feb 2, 2015 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

Does eating more fat mean you'll get fat? Does a high-cholesterol diet automatically mean you'll end up with high cholesterol levels, putting you at risk for heart disease? The answer to the above two questions used to be a resounding... Read More
Don't Dry Out in the Winter

Don't Dry Out in the Winter

Posted On Jan 26, 2015 By Rachel Weingarten

It happens every year: You're going about your ordinary day when you glance in the mirror and notice that your face looks like it suddenly has the texture (and color) of a potato chip… and that's on a good day!... Read More
Diet Rules to Break in 2015 Part 2

Diet Rules to Break in 2015: Part 2

Posted On Jan 20, 2015 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

While the first four diet rules focused mainly on weight loss, the second part of this series includes a few general nutrition rules to break too. Rule #5: Eating clean is the only way to achieve optimal health Break it!... Read More