
Emergency Repair

Emergency Repair

Posted On Apr 27, 2015 By Rachel Weingarten

Over the winter months I played a game with my friends - we called it, "Count how many layers I'm wearing." I think you can guess the rules. Slowly (very, very slowly) spring seems to have (almost) sprung, and the... Read More
The Important Science Behind Gaining Muscle

The Important Science Behind Gaining Muscle

Posted On Apr 11, 2015 By Tim Arndt, Resistance Training Specialist

If you lift weights, there's a good chance you are trying to gain muscle. Gaining muscle is arguably the most sought after effect of lifting heavy things up and putting them down. Gaining muscle does more than just make you... Read More
The Awful Truth About Sitting

The Awful Truth About Sitting

Posted On Mar 31, 2015 By BowFlex Insider Team

Eight hectic hours at the office, a quick happy hour with colleagues, and then a long evening on the couch to catch up on your favorite television shows. Sound familiar? It's no secret that incorporating physical activity into your daily... Read More
Fit Tip Thursday: The Best Back Stretches

Fit Tip Thursday: The Best Back Stretches

Posted On Mar 26, 2015 By Tom Holland

In a previous "Fit Tip Thursday" video, "How to Keep Your Back Healthy," I outlined a few simple exercises to help strengthen your lower back. Many of us will experience back pain at some point in our lives, and our... Read More
The Simple Math of Weight Loss

The Simple Math of Weight Loss

Posted On Mar 11, 2015 By Tom Holland

It never ceases to amaze me how few people know the simple math behind weight loss. First and foremost, how much of a deficit in calories is required to lose one pound. I often ask this question when I am... Read More