
I'm Proof That One Small Step Can Lead to Big, Tall Things

I'm Proof That One Small Step Can Lead to Big, Tall Things

Posted On Mar 18, 2015 By BowFlex Insider Team

By guest author David Garcia In fall 2010, I was in the middle of something big … and becoming smaller in the process. I had lost over 100 pounds and was on my way to ultimately losing 160. That's when... Read More


Posted On Mar 4, 2015 By Rachel Weingarten

When I was younger, (and I suppose when you were too) I used to color for hours nearly every day. Some days I'd spend painting, or snipping and sewing, and otherwise creating things I considered beautiful. Now, I'm trapped indoors,... Read More
The Mental Challenge of Training

The Mental Challenge of Training - IRONMAN Update

Posted On Feb 25, 2015 By Tom Holland

Here I am, roughly a month away from competing in the IRONMAN South African Championship. People who know I am racing will frequently ask, "So, how is your training going?" Training for an IRONMAN is always difficult given the obvious... Read More
Bobbi's Story: From a Heart Monitor to Heart Healthy

Bobbi's Story: From a Heart Monitor to Heart Healthy

Posted On Feb 24, 2015 By BowFlex Insider Team

At 29, Bobbi knew it was time to make a change. She was uncomfortable with her weight and stopped doing the activities she loved - like riding her husband's motorcycle. Just a year ago, she started having health issues and... Read More
Going Outside Your Comfort Zone: The IRONMAN Swim

Going Outside Your Comfort Zone - The IRONMAN Swim

Posted On Feb 11, 2015 By Tom Holland

I was not on the swim team as a kid. My only swim training growing up consisted of body surfing in the ocean during the summer vacation months. So, like so many other people who start doing triathlons, I was... Read More