
A woman in front of a birthday cake.

The Yearly Birthday Bucket List

Posted On Apr 8, 2019 By Lisa Traugott

Every year for my birthday I do something to scare myself. It’s kind of like having a bucket list only instead of doing everything all at once and then dropping dead, I do one thing per year and... Read More
Transformation Tuesday: Tanya

Transformation Tuesday: Meet Tanya – Supermom & Super Strong

Posted On Apr 2, 2019 By BowFlex Insider Team

In our #TransformationTuesday series, we chat with real BowFlex owners who have not only experienced major successes in their fitness journey, but have overcome major hurdles. This week we interviewed Tanya, a stay-at-home-mother of four children (and a doggie) who lost 45 lbs. with the BowFlex® Max Trainer® machine.... Read More
Feel in high heels during a competition

Bodybuilding Is For Women Too

Posted On Mar 21, 2019 By Lisa Traugott

If I told you I was a bodybuilder, what image would you have in your mind? Maybe you’d picture a huge dude like The Rock or Arnold Schwarzenegger? Or maybe those guys like Hanz und Franz from the... Read More
Cookbooks on a kitchen counter.

The Inspired Kitchen

Posted On Feb 22, 2019 By Amanda Wormann

The kitchen allows you to dream up dishes, adding a little of this and a little of that to arrive at something deliciously new. I find cooking much different than baking in that you really can’t mess things up... Read More
Two people in a gym performing a partner workout

Valentine's Day Partner Workout

Posted On Feb 13, 2019 By BowFlex Insider Team

In honor of Valentine’s Day, we created a partner workout that can be done with your significant other, best friend or even your child. Because why workout alone on a day celebrating love and affection when you can have a partner instead? Plus... Read More