
BowFlex SelectTech 560 Dumbbells

Will Tech Replace The Personal Trainer?

Posted On Jul 14, 2014 By Tom Holland

I landed my first job in the fitness industry in my late teens, spending a summer managing a Nautilus facility at our local YMCA. It was a small room with a simple circuit of machines, and my job was to... Read More
flat abs

The ABCs of Flat Abs

Posted On Jun 23, 2014 By Tom Holland

A – Alcohol: If you want flat abs, truly flat abs, you need to keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum. Alcoholic drinks are loaded with calories, and the liver will burn these calories first instead of burning fat. And,... Read More
Lift And Be Lean

Lift and Be Lean

Posted On Jun 16, 2014 By Tim Arndt, Resistance Training Specialist

Every day at noon my gym fills with hordes of people running on treadmills and other cardio equipment. The comparison to hamsters running on wheels is undeniable. However, the difference with humans is we're running to lose weight, not attempting... Read More
Tips on how to train for an obstacle course race like Tough Mudder and Spartan Race.

How to Train for an Obstacle Course Race

Posted On Jun 12, 2014 By Joe Vennare

Have you ever heard of a Tough Mudder? How about a Spartan Race? More and more the answer to those questions is a resounding, yes. That's because mud runs and obstacle course races are all the rage, among athletes and... Read More
glute workout

The Body Part You Need to Target, But Aren't: Glute Workout

Posted On Jun 11, 2014 By Tom Holland

I had a client who was experiencing hip discomfort as a result of his running program. I sent him to my friend, a well-known sports orthopedist, who gave him the following one-sentence medical diagnosis: "You have the typical guy weak-butt... Read More