
A young man performing a one-arm dumbbell row during a bodybuilding workout. Bodybuilding for Beginners: A Guide to Strength Training

Bodybuilding for Beginners: A Guide to Strength Training

Posted On Apr 18, 2019 By Tom Holland

So you've decided you want to build some muscle and you're looking for ideas on how to get started with a bodybuilding-style workout program. Awesome. It matters not whether you are male or female, young or not-so-young – all... Read More
A fit woman performing a Russian twist using a BowFlex SelectTech dumbbell.

Avoid the post-New Year Gym Madness: At Home Dumbbell Workout

Posted On Jan 1, 2019 By BowFlex Insider Team

Every January, gyms across the country become busy with new members starting their fitness journeys. While everyone finds their own new routine, it can be frustrating to wait in line to... Read More
A fit woman bodybuilding and performing a shoulder press.

Fit Tip: Secrets From A Bodybuilding Mom

Posted On Dec 28, 2018 By Lisa Traugott

I was sobbing in my car in the parking lot of my daughter’s nursery school one cold November morning, while my toddler son snoozed soundly in his car seat. I distinctly remember staring at the leaves changing colors and at the tear drops rolling... Read More
A fit woman using BowFlex SelectTech Dumbbells.

How weightlifting Changed My Life

Posted On Nov 30, 2018 By BowFlex Insider Team

Over the years, my health and fitness journey has taken many twists and turns, but I’m proud to say that I’ve kept off over 80 pounds. that I’ve lost through healthy diet and regular exercise. I’ve done... Read More
Jennifer Galardi workout on the go resistance band exercises

Workouts On The Go: The Resistance Band!

Posted On May 31, 2018 By Jennifer Galardi

The end of summer is no time to slack on your workout routines. I've put together two mini routines you can take indoors or out to maintain your physique - and your confidence - as you make the most of... Read More