
how to improve your athletic endurance

How to Improve Your Endurance

Posted On Jun 10, 2014 By Joel Harper

So are you ready to pump it up to the next level? Let's move our focus onto ENDURANCE. Endurance gives you the ability to roll with the punches, bite the bullet, face adversity courageously, persevere against the odds and bounce... Read More
hip exercises

Make Sure Your Hips are in Check With These Easy Exercises

Posted On May 8, 2014 By Joel Harper

Want to improve your running times? Do your hips feel tight? Do you have lower back tension? If you answered yes, let's get that fixed ASAP. This could be holding you back from improving your training times. Just like with... Read More
warm up your muscles video

What's the Best Way to Warm up Your Muscles?

Posted On May 6, 2014 By Tim Arndt, Resistance Training Specialist

Is jogging on a treadmill a good warm-up activity? Yes and no. That's a trick question because it is a good warm up if we want to run … but it's a poor warm up if you're going to lift... Read More
plyometrics exercises

Jumpstart Your Workouts With Plyometrics

Posted On May 1, 2014 By Joe Vennare

Have you ever heard the song "Jump Around" by House of Pain? Raise your hand. Be honest. Some might consider it a guilty pleasure. It's on your iPod. You play it at parties. Or maybe during a workout. Jump around.... Read More
12 tips on how to run easily

12 Tips on How to Run With Less Effort

Posted On Apr 25, 2014 By Joel Harper

Everyone I know want to improve their running times. I want to help you run your best, injury-free, while you learn how to condition your muscles more efficiently. Go ahead and give these tips a try, so you can start... Read More