Fit Tip Thursday: Super Slow Reps – Why Are They Important?

Posted On Jan 18, 2018 By Tom Holland

Fit Tip Thursday: Super Slow Reps - Why Are They Important?

When it comes to strength training, most people are making a variety of mistakes. The top three?

  1. Poor form
  2. Incorrect weight selection
  3. Using momentum

All of these mistakes lead to both decreased results as well as an increased chance of injury. Not good, right? Think about it: There are more people exercising and lifting weights than ever before, yet so few truly achieve their goals. Why? Once again, a few of the primary culprits are the three reasons outlined above.

One of the "secrets" to strength training is to perform your repetitions slowly, especially the eccentric or "down" phase of each exercise. This simple yet incredibly powerful technique maximizes the amount of time the muscle is under tension, which maximizes your results.

Whether it's push-ups, squats, or biceps curls – slower is better. Your muscles do the work instead of momentum or gravity. So go slow to see results fast.