This Valentine's Day, Save Room to Love Yourself

Posted On Feb 9, 2016 By Rachel Weingarten

This Valentine's Day, Save Room to Love Yourself

I really love the idea of Valentine's Day, it's the execution of the day that I'm not quite as enamored with. Think about it for a moment, an entire day that's dedicated to the idea of love, being in love, showing your love and declaring your love - It makes me smile just thinking about it! It's the price tag pressure that makes me less mushy; that and the part about desperately trying to find someone to shower with hearts and chocolate even if you're on your own by either choice or circumstance.

This year, I propose that you decide to celebrate someone really special this February 14th - yourself. Instead of trying to figure out ways to please everyone else in your life, try to figure out the things that make you happiest. So, when you visit your mom and she's still trying to get you to clean the entire plate, take a minute to think about whether it will make you happier to please her by eating every last morsel, or you happier by sticking to your new eating regime. And when you're shopping and the salesperson is giving you the hard sell, try to envision whether you really need that extra pair of jeans, or if you'll be happier with a zero balance on your credit card. And so on.

I have a magnet on my refrigerator that says "I can please only one person per day. Today I choose me." I'm thinking that this Valentine's Day you should choose your own happiness first before worrying about everyone else.

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