Fall Into Fitness: Top 3 Reasons to Not Wait Until January

Posted On Oct 9, 2017 By Tom Holland

Fall Into Fitness

When you work as a personal trainer as I did in New York City for so many years, you couldn't wait for the New Year to roll around. Signing up new clients after the first was like shooting fish in a barrel, and January was by far your best money-making month. It's all about the New Year's Resolutions. But what's good for personal trainers is not necessarily good for the clients. In fact, it's usually inversely proportional. While trainers prosper the vast majority of exercisers fall far short of achieving the fitness goals they set for the New Year, and for good reason. Here are three:

  1. The Gyms will be Packed

    As a former gym owner as well as personal trainer, I also know first-hand how January is the prime month for the clubs to sign up as many new members as possible. All the hot deals like $0 initiation happen at this time, and for good reason; to take advantage of your annual new-found fitness motivation. This massive member sign-up means you are most likely going to have to wait in line to use the equipment, classes will fill up ridiculously quickly, and your results as well as your enjoyment will suffer.

  2. Holiday Fatigue

    Let's be honest: From November all the way through the New Year's it's pretty much non-stop parties and get-togethers. This means eating more, exercising less, and packing on the dreaded holiday pounds. By the time January rolls around you're pretty much exhausted from weeks of seemingly endless holiday celebrations, thus this is not the most opportune time to try to make major lifestyle changes. You need time to recover, not reinvent yourself.

  3. Family

    The holiday season and New Year brings family together which means lots of fun, festivities, and, yes… stress. Lots of stress. As much as we love being around our siblings, parents and relatives, family time also comes with a heightened amount of tension. This stress is pure Kryptonite when it comes to sticking to our exercise programs and New Year's Resolutions.

It's no surprise that the vast majority of people fail to achieve the exercise and nutrition goals that they set for the New Year - It's the absolute worst time of year to try to make major life changes. Implementing these behavioral motivations early, in October or November, will allow you to hit the ground running ahead of the holiday season, giving you the greatest chance for success.