
Ice, Ice, Baby

Ice, Ice, Baby

Posted On Jul 12, 2016 By Rachel Weingarten

Summer beauty tends to fall into one of two categories: So tan and bronzed that nothing else is needed, or pink pastels that don't seem to suit every face. This summer I've noticed a lot of products that have an... Read More
Smart Strength Training: Introducing the BowFlex SelectTech 560 Dumbbells

Smart Strength Training: Introducing the BowFlex SelectTech 560 Dumbbells

Posted On Jun 20, 2016 By BowFlex Insider Team

Did you know that adding muscle means boosting your calorie burn? As a metabolic tissue, muscle not only supports weight loss, but also improves your body's function in daily life. Coupled with a healthy cardio routine, weightlifting throughout the week... Read More
Why Every Yoga Class is a Good One

Why Every Yoga Class is a Good One

Posted On May 17, 2016 By Jennifer Galardi

Have you ever walked out of a yoga class thinking, "What was THAT?!?" I have. More times than I care to count. It happened to me during my recent travels in India of all places. The birthplace of the philosophy... Read More
Spring Pick Me Ups: Scarves and Shawls

Spring Pick Me Ups: Scarves and Shawls

Posted On May 9, 2016 By Rachel Weingarten

As a born and bred New Yorker I wear head-to-toe black far too often (every day) and in every season (yes, I have summer black). Since we're in full-fledged springtime, I'm really trying to embrace pastels, but not having the... Read More
Fitness Truths: Training for Balance

Fitness Truths: Training for Balance

Posted On Apr 18, 2016 By Tim Arndt, Resistance Training Specialist

These days, it's hard to walk into a gym and not see someone standing on an unstable surface while performing an exercise. The logic behind this is that they are developing better balance and improving their proprioception (ability to sense... Read More