
Fit Tip Thursday: The Standing Ab Workout

Fit Tip Thursday: The Standing Ab Workout

Posted On Dec 18, 2014 By Tom Holland

When we think of abdominal exercises, lying with our backs on a mat and performing countless variations of crunches is generally the first thing that comes to mind. While these types of movements will always have a place in our... Read More
Fit Tip Thursday: Post-workout Nutrition

Fit Tip Thursday: Post-workout Nutrition

Posted On Dec 11, 2014 By Tom Holland

When it comes to getting in shape and being the healthiest we can be, exercise is only one part of the puzzle. While most people know that nutrition plays a huge role as well, many don't realize that it's not... Read More
Fit Tip Thursday: Plyometrics to Burn Fat

Fit Tip Thursday: Plyometrics to Burn Fat

Posted On Dec 4, 2014 By Tom Holland

Whether you are trying lose weight, improve sports performance or simply make your activities of daily living easier, plyometrics are for you. Plyometrics are exercises in which the muscles are stretched and contracted quickly – the motion found in jumping... Read More
Fit Tip Thursday: The Hotel Room Workout

Fit Tip Thursday: The Hotel Room Workout

Posted On Nov 26, 2014 By Tom Holland

Over the years, I have worked with some of the busiest executives, helping them stay fit both at home and while they are traveling for business. Despite their extremely hectic work schedules, they realize that they need to continue to... Read More
Fit Tip Thursday: The Perfect Squat

Fit Tip Thursday: How to Do a Squat, Perfectly

Posted On Nov 20, 2014 By Tom Holland

Ask any top fitness professional to choose their favorite exercise for the lower body and many would answer, "the squat." And the reasons are simple. The squat contains all of the characteristics of a great exercise: It is a functional... Read More