Why the Great Outdoors Really is Great in the Winter

Posted On Nov 23, 2015 By BowFlex Insider Team

Why the Great Outdoors Really is Great in the Winter

The warmer months always seems to fly by, and many of us dread summer's departure. But the changing of the seasons shouldn't change your attitude about workouts and fitness routines. The dropping temperature offers new and exciting ways to keep the summer bodies we worked so hard to earn.

Not sure what we're talking about? Here are five fitness perks to look forward to this winter:

More Excuses to Escape the Gym

During the cooler months, you might not miss those unbearably hot summer days that keep you inside, but you may miss your daily dose of Vitamin D. Outdoor workouts offer the perfect time to soak up this natural mood enhancer, even if you aren't in direct sunlight. So consider taking a break from the gym and getting out into the crisp air. (weather permitting of course!)

Work Out When You Want

Higher temperatures can be an inhibitor to a longer workout, often bogging us down from (literally) going the extra mile. Summer can even force us to wake up earlier to "beat the heat." If you're not a morning person, this can be an extremely difficult approach. Colder weather allows you to tailor your workout routine to your energy levels, while also giving you more of that much needed sleep.

New Season, New You

The new season can also be looked at as a new beginning to focus your efforts on a healthy lifestyle. Whether that's eating cleaner, tackling a seasonal fitness challenge, or committing to walking every day, approach the change in climate as a new chapter toward a healthier you!

Get Out and Enjoy the Scenery

Whether you're a runner, a biker, a hiker or just an all-around outdoor enthusiast, the shift in colder temperatures has the power to transform old trails into fresh ones. With the changing colors of the leaves or a fresh layer of white powder, experience the outdoors for what feels like the first time again. Use this time as an excuse to get out and explore new roads, trails and places you've never been before.

Building a "New" Wardrobe

Admit it — you're probably getting tired of the same workout tanks and shorts combinations. If you're excited to dig out your favorite workout layers, this is the perfect time of year. Indulge in what feels like a brand new wardrobe by digging up your favorite winter gear, without having to spend a penny to do so!

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