The Five-Minute Holiday Season HIIT Workout

Posted On Oct 27, 2016 By Tom Holland

The Five-Minute Holiday Season HIIT Workout

It's that time of year again — The start of the holiday season. It begins with Halloween, then before you know it it's Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year's Day.

During the holidays we tend to eat more while having less time to exercise, resulting in the dreaded holiday weight gain. It's more important than ever, therefore, that we squeeze in workouts whenever and wherever we can, focusing on shorter sessions that maximize our time and results.

This 5-Minute HIIT workout is the perfect way to do just that, getting in a quick calorie-torching (and stress busting!) workout. No equipment is required and you can do it at home, indoors or out:

You will perform these five moves for twenty seconds each, with ten seconds rest in between, two times through:

  1. Skaters
  2. Mountain Climbers
  3. Side Climbers
  4. Plank Jacks
  5. Jumps

Want more quick workout ideas? Check out our Quick Workouts playlist on our YouTube channel.

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The Five-Minute HIIT Like a Pro Workout