BowFlex Insider

An Interview with Pop Star Lance Bass

Posted On Jul 17, 2013 By BowFlex Insider Team

Lance Bass
Recently, we sat down with Lance Bass to get the inside scoop on how he stays healthy and fit. See what he had to say below, and check out the BowFlex Revolution® Home Gym for yourself to find out why he's... Read More

3 Keys to Maximize the Results of Any Workout Program

Posted On Jul 16, 2013 By Tim Arndt, Resistance Training Specialist

A man's muscular back
There's nothing more motivating than seeing results. No matter what the result is. It could be losing five pounds, tightening your belt another notch or a simple compliment from someone about how good you're looking. The question I get asked... Read More

Summertime Blues (and Greens)

Posted On Jul 11, 2013 By Jennifer Galardi

Farmers Market
I don't know how anyone can be blue in the Summer! Although, as adults, we don't get that same rush of freedom from the end of work as kids do from the final day of school. It's hard to deny... Read More

Energy Bars: A Healthier Fast Food Alternative?

Posted On Jul 10, 2013 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

Organic Granola Bar Recipe
We all have days when time is not our side and often use this as an excuse to make unhealthy food choices. Fast food might seem like the only solution, but keeping a stash of energy bars on hand for... Read More

3 Essential Keys to a Successful Workout Program

Posted On Jul 10, 2013 By Tim Arndt, Resistance Training Specialist

Workout Tracker
Even the best workout program in the world can be rendered worthless if you never show up to do it. That shouldn't surprise you. Consistency is a key to making any workout program a successful one. So why are some... Read More