
Do's & Don'ts of Protein - Part 2

Protein Do's and Don'ts: Part 2

Posted On Jun 17, 2014 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

Don't: Limit yourself to tuna, egg whites and chicken breast. Eat whole eggs, lean cuts of pork and red meat, and other types of seafood, including salmon (canned salmon is a good option), shrimp, tilapia, and halibut. Lean red meat... Read More
6-pack ab diet

Myth: The '6-Pack' Ab Diet

Posted On May 23, 2014 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

I see the opposite of this statement, "Abs are made in the kitchen", on memes depicting rippled 6-packs floating around Facebook. I hear it from personal trainers trying to emphasize the importance of diet to their clients who aren't getting... Read More
pre-workout foods

4 Pre-workout Foods That Get You More Bang for Your Workout

Posted On May 23, 2014 By Vito La Fata

People are always asking me, "What should I eat before a big workout?" And they're usually surprised when the answer isn't "a protein shake." A shake has its merits, but if you really want to maximize your workout, you need... Read More
recipes for healthy breakfast foods

Power-packed Healthy Breakfast Foods for Muscle Gain

Posted On May 13, 2014 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

Trying to add muscle mass, but find it hard to eat more food? Try these nutrient-rich healthy breakfast foods (or eat them any time of day!) to fuel your body, and get a balance of high-quality protein and complex carbs... Read More
Calories intake for weight loss

How Many Calories Do You Need to Lose Weight?

Posted On Apr 11, 2014 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

Calories, shmalories. Do they really matter? Yes, absolutely. Even when your diet consists of brown rice, grilled chicken and veggies! Weight loss is all about calories in vs. calories out, but where do you begin with the calories-in part of... Read More