
The 30-Day Push-Up and Crunch Challenge

The 30-day Push-up and Crunch Challenge

Posted On Jan 21, 2014 By Tom Holland

Every time you turn on the television it seems there is a new commercial for yet another 30-, 60- or 90-day workout DVD program. These multi-disc sets have exploded in popularity over the past decade, selling tens of millions of... Read More
total body kettlebell workout

Total Body Kettlebell Workout

Posted On Jan 15, 2014 By Joe Vennare

Everyone knows that exercise is important, but not everyone does it. In fact, the vast majority of people in the United States and around the world have a hard time fitting fitness in. Obesity is on the rise, and a... Read More
Leg lifts

Back 2 Basics: Leg Extension Tips

Posted On Jan 10, 2014 By Tim Arndt, Resistance Training Specialist

When doing a leg extension, try this trick. You know those handles by the seat? Yeah, you know the ones that you normally rest your hands on. Those are the key to making the leg extension an awesome exercise for... Read More
Rest is important for muscle recovery

Rest is as Important as Exercise

Posted On Nov 19, 2013 By Tim Arndt, Resistance Training Specialist

"Wow. You're working out way too much!" That was the reaction I had recently when a new client was telling me about his exercise routine. I had asked him to tell me about his weekly routine so I could get... Read More


Posted On Oct 18, 2013 By Chad Martin

There are many myths and misconceptions about stretching. Most weekend warriors don't realize the benefits of stretching or the role it plays in being more than just a warm-up activity. Think of your muscles like rubber bands. When the rubber... Read More