
A man using BowFlex SelectTech Dumbbells performing a Dumbbell workout.

The Dumbbell Solution

Posted On Apr 14, 2014 By Tom Holland

When it comes to working out, I stick to the basics. I prefer exercises and routines that have stood the test of time, workouts that have been around forever and will continue to be used for many years to come.... Read More
lat pulldown

Lat Pulldown Tips

Posted On Apr 14, 2014 By Tim Arndt, Resistance Training Specialist

The lat pulldown is a great exercise for building strength and size in your lats. It's also a very easy exercise to screw up. Poor technique can increase the risk of injury to your shoulders and drastically reduce the effectiveness of... Read More
A fit woman working out her core with an ab workout.

Ab Workouts - Core Gives You More!

Posted On Apr 3, 2014 By Vito La Fata

An open letter to every man and woman in America who wants to have better sex, golf swing, tennis game, lift stronger, be able to keep up with the kids without ending up in pain and look like they lost... Read More
Running injury free

3 Tips to Running Injury-free

Posted On Feb 20, 2014 By Tom Holland

Love it or hate it, running is simply one of the greatest forms of exercise out there. It is inexpensive, you can do it almost anywhere, and it burns a significant amount of calories. Unfortunately, many people are unable to... Read More
Total body exercise

Every Exercise is a Total Body Exercise

Posted On Feb 19, 2014 By Tim Arndt, Resistance Training Specialist

A leg extension is every bit as much a total body activity as a squat. A lot of trainers, "experts" and gurus will tell you the opposite. I am here to tell you they are WRONG! Let me explain …... Read More