
Movie Marathon Game (Cardio Workout)

Movie Marathon Game (Cardio Workout)

Posted On Sep 25, 2018 By BowFlex Insider Team

With Halloween just around the corner, it's horror movie season! Looking for a simple way to stay active while you binge on some Halloween movie classics? Check out this fun, fitness-inspired Halloween Movie Marathon Game that will have you up... Read More
Father's Day 5K

Father's Day 5K

Posted On Jun 14, 2018 By Tom Holland

As the father of two young boys, I can say that the best gift I could receive from them (and their mother) on Father’s Day would be to spend quality time with the whole family. We all lead such... Read More
What Is A Plyometric Exercise? - Fit Tip Thursday with Tom Holland, BowFlex Fitness Advisor

What Is A Plyometric Exercise?

Posted On May 17, 2018 By Tom Holland

There are numerous terms involved with exercise that cause confusion, such as interval training, super-setting, tempo training, forced reps and many more. Sometimes you know exactly what they are, other times you think you have some idea but... Read More
Staying Young at Heart: How Much Exercise is Enough?

Staying Young at Heart: How Much Exercise is Enough?

Posted On Mar 20, 2018 By Erin Kuh, MBA, RD

You're diligent to a consistent exercise routine three days per week of 45 minutes of moderate aerobic activity (i.e. walking, biking, Treadclimber, etc) but is that enough to protect you against heart problems later in life? New research is saying... Read More
How to Combine Cardio and Strength with Dumbbells - Part 2

How to Combine Cardio and Strength with Dumbbells – Part 2

Posted On Mar 15, 2018 By BowFlex Insider Team

Cardio and strength don't have to be mutually exclusive. In Part 1 of our two-part video series, How to Combine Cardio and Strength with Dumbbells, BowFlex Fitness Advisor Amy Dixon walked us through a workout routine that alternates a classic... Read More